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40 atari 2600 labels

Atari 2600 - Atari - Picture Label Variation - AtariAge Perhaps the most common Atari label style, Picture labels were introduced in 1981, replacing the older text labels and were used throughout the remainder of ... Atari 2600 - Steve's Retro Gaming My Atari 2600 End Labels Database. Download and Printout Atari 2600 end label reproductions Message me if you need an End Label that I do not have online yet. Atari Labels… Read the rest . Categories Atari 2600 3 Comments. Adventure Map. November 18, 2020 November 9, 2020 by Steverd.

AtariAge - Atari 2600 - Zellers - Standard Label Variation Atari 2600 - Zellers - Standard Label Variation Zellers games come in plain black cases with a separate main label and end label. The end label is black with white text, and the main label features game artwork. The Zellers name does not appear on the cartridge. Zellers boxes are red with white lettering with a large picture of game artwork.

Atari 2600 labels

Atari 2600 labels

Atari 2600 Replacement Label - Outlaw | eBay Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Atari 2600 Replacement Label - Outlaw at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Atari 2600 Game Lot Clean Tested Label Variations Pick Your Favs Combo ... Atari 2600 Game Lot Clean Tested Label Variations Pick Your Favs Combo S&H. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. "Each game cartridge was tested, contacts were cleaned if needed and is functioning normally. Condition varies from acceptable to very good. The photo that displays in the drop down is representative of the cartridge ... ATARI VCS/2600 Label Variations - Atari Compendium This was the 4th and final major label style. The background coloring is a brownish red, with white or black lettering. The pictures are not as wide as the prior styles. "Atari 2600 Video Game Cartridge" is printed in white across the top of the front label, and the end label includes "Atari 2600 VCS".

Atari 2600 labels. Harmony Cartridge - The cartridge with flash memory for the Atari 2600 ... After the arrival of Finally Atari 2600, I decided then acquire the Harmony Cartridge, a flash cartridge for Atari 2600. The idea is the same. With the Harmony Cartridge you can put images of game ROMs Atari 2600 on an SD card or microSD. There are two versions of Harmony Cartridge: one for SD cards and one for microSD cards. Atari 2600 End Labels - Steve's Retro Gaming Atari 2600 End Labels - Steve's Retro Gaming Atari 2600 End Labels November 11, 2020 by Steverd My Atari 2600 End Labels Database Download and Printout Atari 2600 end label reproductions Message me if you need an End Label that I do not have online yet. Atari Labels AtariAge - Atari 2600 Label Variations Atari produced more label variations than any other company, which isn't terribly surprising given that they produced more games for the 2600 than any other company. Quite a few carts produced by Atari are available on at least two major label variations, one being a Text label and the other being a Picture label. Atari 2600 Label Variations - AtariAge Atari Text labels were the first major standard that Atari used. These labels are very simple text featuring different colors for different games, on a black ...

Atari 2600 Reproduction Cartridge Labels - sgt_mo's Retro Games and Mod ... Atari 2600 Reproduction Cartridge Labels. Posted by Cary Moriarty November 7, 2021 May 4, 2022 Posted in Uncategorized Tags: Actiplaq, Activision, Atari 2600, Atari Label, pitfall, replacement label. Dolphin - Atari 2600. Title. AtariAge - Atari 2600 - Atari - Text # Label Variation Atari 2600 - Atari - Text # Label Variation When Atari launched the 2600 in 1977, they offered nine games for sale. These nine games had plain labels with colored text, and the end label had a number on it next to the game name. The number referred to the internal development number of the game - Combat being the first (01). Atari 2600 - Atari - Text # Label Variation - AtariAge When Atari launched the 2600 in 1977, they offered nine games for sale. These nine games had plain labels with colored text, and the end label had a number ... PDF Atari 2600 Label Variations PicGr2 - Larger picture, Atari 2600 is small in the upper right corner. Label is now grey, not silver. Picred1 - Black and white pictures with red background. Picred2 - Color pictures with red background. PicBr1 - Similar to PicSil1, but background is brown (much darker than red labels). Atari 2600 is above

Atari 2600 - Cartridge Label Variations List - GameFAQs Silver label with black text and no picture. Has a sticker that covers the screwhole area that says: "video game cartridge for Atari 2600 game consoles. This product is manufactured under worldwide license by-" Boxed: Black box with silver back, no (c), Made in Taiwan Bogey Blaster 5861 A030 R Silver label with black text and no picture. Indie Retro News: ATARI 2600 Showing posts with label ATARI 2600. Show all posts. 1942 for the Atari 2600, developed using Batari Basic looks incredible! In 1984 a great shoot 'em up was released for the Arcade by Capcom and that game was 1942. A game in which you had to shoot down enemy planes, avoid being shot out of the sky and performed awesome rolls while collecting ... Atari 2600 Reproduction Label Adventure - Etsy Atari 2600 Reproduction Label - Adventure. Arthur Gilmore Jul 9, 2022 Helpful? 5 out of 5 stars. Listing review by Jose. It is a very fine looking box, even if it sticks out compared to my regular GameCube boxes thanks to the different interior disc hold being different and the outside not being aged like a normal box. but thats a personal ... AtariAge - Atari 2600 - Sears - Text Label Variation Sears Text labels are black with TELE-GAMES in large font, followed by a listing of games on the cartridge. Some people mistakenly call these 'multi-carts', but they are just game variations and not any different from the Atari version. Many Sears cartridges can be found in both Text and Picture variations.

Atari 2600 Label Variations - AtariProtos labels once the 2600 started gaining market share. As the popularity of the 2600 skyrocketed, Atari decided to splurge on expensive silver foil labels, which helped its games standout in an ever-growing sea of competitors. After the 2600's demise and relaunch as a budget system

Atari Labels Art - 2600 by Atariboy2600 on DeviantArt The Lord Of The Rings - (Prototype) - Image Used: Took an old Lord Of The Rings Book cover image for label art. Prince Of Persia - (Homebrew) - Image Used: Scan an old PC game box of Prince Of Persia. Pac-Man - (Hack) - Image Used: Used a old Atari 5200 label image and past it on the 2600 cart.

Atari 2600 - Atari - Silver Label Variation - AtariAge Atari Silver labels were used between 1982 and 1985, and were produced alongside Picture label games that continued to be sold. Most Silver label games did ...

Gloss Blank Label Sheets for Atari 2600/5200/7800 Cartridges We now offer blank labels for the Atari 2600/5200/7800 cartridges by Atari. Each sheet has four top and end labels. These labels might fit on others, but have been customized and produced to fit exactly on Atari cartridges. The labels are produced on high quality gloss stock with rounded corners and sticky backs. Very professional looking!

Atari 2600 Cartridge replacement labels - Atari 2600 - AtariAge Forums Could you please send me a list of your replacement atari 2600 labels, I would like to replace all my old labels, thank you 1 hour ago, imstarryeyed said: Those labels look great I totally needs some new ones too.. Curse old carts for putting the opening screw underneath the label.. haha Please check your PM's. ...

Atari 2600 Label Maker - The Paunch Stevenson Show Here are 140 fake labels of Atari 2600 games. Some are prototypes and unreleased games, but most are licensed titles that could have been made in the late 1970s and early 80s for the 2600: TV shows, cartoons, movies, etc. Some of these labels I found on the Atari Age forums and were done by members Marc Oberhäuser, Atariboy2600, and user42. I ...

PDF Atari 2600 Label Variations - Video Game Variations Atari 2600 is above photo in the center. PicGr2 - Larger picture, Atari 2600 is small in the upper right corner. Label is now grey, not silver. Picred1 - Black and white pictures with red background. Picred2 - Color pictures with red background. PicBr1 - Similar to PicSil1, but background is brown (much darker than red labels). Atari ...

FS: Atari 2600 Cart Replacement labels Apr 30, 2020 — Atari 2600 Replacement Cartridge Labels Pricing per title is based on size, number, and type of material. Many titles are only $2.00 each.

Atari 2600 - Atari - Red Label Variation - AtariAge Atari Red labels were produced from 1986-1990 when Atari was attempting to revive the system. These labels range in color between dark-red and red-brown.

Atari 2600 Reproduction Label Starmaster - Etsy Reproduction label for Atari 2600 cartridge. Thanks for looking :) Etsy. Browse ...

Atari 2600 Reproduction Label Boxing - Etsy Atari 2600 Reproduction Label - Boxing $4.99 Only 1 available Add to cart Selling fast! Only 1 left. Hooray! This item ships free to the US. 750 shop reviews Sort by: Recommended Buyers are raving! Multiple people gave 5-star reviews to this shop in the past 7 days. Kevin Esposito Apr 27, 2022

Atari 2600 Nostalgia, Web Sites, and Custom Labels Here are 140 fake labels of Atari 2600 games. Some are prototypes and unreleased games, but most are licensed titles that could have been made in the late 1970s and early 80s for the 2600: TV shows, cartoons, movies, etc. Some of these labels I found on the Atari Age forums and were done by members Marc Oberhäuser, Atariboy2600, and user42. I ...

Labels - Atari 8Bit Label dimensions 52mm high x 54mm wide. Personality/Memory Modules The Atari 800 had four slots for memory and OS boards, there were only three choices; 10KROM, 8KRAM and 16KRAM. The first […] Atari XEGS Carts When Atari finally released the XE game system they went for a new cart shell and a much more graphically elaborate style of label.

Atari 2600 Reproduction Label Atlantis - Etsy Perfect reproduction labels for your Atari 2600 carts. Same great original artwork in vibrant colors and clear graphics. No excuses for yucky looking 2600 carts anymore. A great buy. Very pleased with this purchase. Purchased item: Atari 2600 Reproduction Label - Haunted House.

PDF Atari 2600 Label Variations PicGr2 - Larger picture, Atari 2600 is small in the upper right corner. Label is now grey, not silver. Picred1 - Black and white pictures with red background. Picred2 - Color pictures with red background. PicBr1 - Similar to PicSil1, but background is brown (much darker than red labels). Atari 2600 is above

Atari 2600 Picture Label Reproduction - 8-Bit Classics Here is our template with reproducing the original Atari 2600 Picture Labels in Adobe Photoshop format. This template is free to use. Requires: MumboSSK Font Atari 2600 Black Picture Label - Missile MumboSSK Seth liked Quote All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic Shop Cart Checkout Wishlist Product Listing Attributes

Atari 2600 Label Maker This Atari 2600 Label Maker produces authentic looking Atari 2600 Labels including the famous "Picture Label" using your own image and title. The "Picture Label" is the most common Atari 2600 label and features a large image on a black background. The game title is always in upper case but varies in color.

Atari 2600 Reproduction Label Tapper - Etsy 3,359 sales | Atari 2600 Reproduction Label - Tapper $4.99 Only 1 available Add to cart Selling fast! Only 1 left. Arrives by Jul 12-16 The estimated delivery date is based on your purchase date, the recipient's location (actual or inferred), the seller's processing time and location, and the shipping carrier.

ATARI VCS/2600 Label Variations - Atari Compendium This was the 4th and final major label style. The background coloring is a brownish red, with white or black lettering. The pictures are not as wide as the prior styles. "Atari 2600 Video Game Cartridge" is printed in white across the top of the front label, and the end label includes "Atari 2600 VCS".

Atari 2600 Game Lot Clean Tested Label Variations Pick Your Favs Combo ... Atari 2600 Game Lot Clean Tested Label Variations Pick Your Favs Combo S&H. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. "Each game cartridge was tested, contacts were cleaned if needed and is functioning normally. Condition varies from acceptable to very good. The photo that displays in the drop down is representative of the cartridge ...

Atari 2600 Replacement Label - Outlaw | eBay Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Atari 2600 Replacement Label - Outlaw at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

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