45 translate label to spanish
Spanish Translation Guide for Pesticide Labeling | US EPA The guide is written in a universal form of Spanish to reach as many Spanish speakers as possible and provides translations for language typically used in the health and safety sections of pesticide product labels. Additional pesticide-related Spanish translation resources are offered by the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative. Google Translate Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
Label translation in Spanish: alquila, ap... (noun) an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object (verb) assign a label to; designate with a label (verb) attach a tag or label to (verb) pronounce judgment on (verb) distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom

Translate label to spanish
labels - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context Translation of "labels" in Spanish etiquetas sellos etiqueta marcas rótulos etiquetado discográficas califica denominaciones Escobas y escobillas Labels disqueras One Security Label and three additional bar code labels. Una etiqueta de Seguridad y tres etiquetas adicionales con código de barras. Close enough to read the labels. PDF prescription label translations - Spanish - California develop and vet translations of the standardized directions for use that are contained in the board's patient-centered label requirements. While every effort was made to ensure accuracy and reliability of these translations, the Board cannot ensure that a particular translation is appropriate for a particular patient. Label in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict label ( ley - buhl ) noun 1. (information tag) a. la etiqueta (F) Remove the label from the bottle without tearing it.Quítele la etiqueta a la botella sin romperla. 2. (record company) a. el sello discográfico (M) Our band is still looking for a label.Nuestra banda todavía está buscando un sello discográfico. transitive verb
Translate label to spanish. How to say label in Spanish? - definitions How to say label in Spanish? ˈleɪ bəl la·bel Would you like to know how to translate label to Spanish? This page provides all possible translations of the word label in the Spanish language. etiquetar, etiqueta, rótulo, rotular Spanish Discuss this label English translation with the community: Citation Translate label from English to Spanish - Interglot Related Definitions for "label": trade name of a company that produces musical recordings 2. a brief description given for purposes of identification 2. the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture 2. an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object 2. label - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context Translation of "label" in Spanish Noun Verb etiqueta sello discográfica marca etiquetado sello discográfico disquera rótulo etiquetar calificar marcar rotular tildar denominar calificar de nombre Show more One of them had a biohazard label. Uno de ellos tenía una etiqueta de riesgo biológico. This version comes with Parental Advisory label. LABEL - Spanish translation - Longman LABEL - Spanish translation - Longman label labelsla‧bel1 S2 W3 /ˈleɪbəl/ sustantivo [contable] 1 etiqueta → sticker ver ilustración en la página 447 2 (también record label) sello (discográfico) 3 marca a designer label una marca (conocida) • Kids want clothes with designer labels. Los niños quieren ropa de marca. 4 (calificación) etiqueta
label - Translation from English into Spanish | PONS Translations for label in the English » Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish » English) Show summary of all matches I. label [A ˈleɪbəl, B ˈleɪb(ə)l] N 1.1. label: label ( on bottle, file) etiqueta f label ( on bottle, file) rótulo m label ( on clothing, luggage) etiqueta f label ( on clothing, luggage) marbete m sticky label etiqueta autoadhesiva CARE LABEL - Translation in Spanish - bab.la English How to use "care label" in a sentence. Sort clothes by wash temperature as indicated on the care label. If you've ever checked the care label inside a piece of clothing, none of the above shouty laundry instructions are anything new to you. Presuming the plant arrived in a suitable soil type with a care label, you're off to a good start ... 🇪🇸 Translate Button label to Spanish | Tradukka Translate "Button label" to Spanish: Button label labeled - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: label n (food packaging) etiqueta nf : The label says this food contains peanuts. La etiqueta dice que este alimento contiene cacahuetes. label n (tag: clothing) etiqueta nf : The label says to wash the sweater in cold water. La etiqueta dice que se debe lavar el suéter en agua fría. label n ...
labels translation in Spanish | English-Spanish dictionary | Reverso See how "labels " is translated from English to Spanish with more examples in context label a n 1 (on merchandise, luggage, clothing) etiqueta f sticky label etiqueta f adhesiva warning label etiqueta f de advertencia → address → C → luggage → B 2 (=brand) marca f Spanish translation of 'label' - Collins Dictionary Spanish translation of 'label' Word Frequency label [ˈleɪbl ] noun 1. (on merchandise, luggage, clothing) etiqueta f sticky label etiqueta f adhesiva warning label etiqueta f de advertencia see also address compounds, luggage compounds 2. (= brand) marca f label - Spanish translation - Linguee etiqueta f (often used) (plural: etiquetas f) The label contains the washing instructions. La etiqueta contiene las instrucciones de lavado. I stuck a label on the box to indicate its content. Pegué una etiqueta en la caja para indicar el contenido. 10.4. Translating Configuration - Drupal.org Goal Translate the labels on the Recipes view page into Spanish.Prerequisite knowledge Section 2.7, "Concept: User Interface, Configuration, and Content translation" Section 9.3, "Creating a Content List View" Site prerequisites The core Configuration Translation module must be installed, and your site must have at least two languages. See Section 10.1, "Adding a Language". The ...
label translation in Spanish | English-Spanish dictionary | Reverso 2 (fig) to label sb (as) sth calificar a algn de algo, tachar a algn de algo pej. he was labelled (as) a troublemaker lo calificaron or lo tacharon de alborotador. own-label adj → own-brand. Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary. See also: address label, care label, designer label, luggage label.
Translate label from Dutch to Spanish - Interglot Detailed Translations for label from Dutch to Spanish. label: label [de ~ (m)] noun
Label printer - English to Spanish Translation Label printer (English to Spanish translation). Translate Label printer to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.
label - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com The label says this food contains peanuts. La etiqueta dice que este alimento contiene cacahuetes. label n. (tag: clothing) etiqueta nf. The label says to wash the sweater in cold water. La etiqueta dice que se debe lavar el suéter en agua fría. label n. (identification tag)
label in Spanish | English-Spanish translator | Nglish by Britannica Reverse translation for label etiqueta - etiquette, tag, label rótulo - heading, title, label, sign calificación - grade (for a course), rating, score, qualification, qualifying descripción - description marca - mark, brand, make, trademark, record (in sports) etiquetar - to label poner etiqueta a
label each page - Spanish translation - Linguee Label each page. 4. Etiqueta cada página. Labels are used to highlight the title s of each page and the headers of each section too. S e usan etiquetas para señalar lo s títulos d e las páginas y cab eceras de sección dentro de cada página. Directions: Cut out each label from the next page and insert in tab dividers.
How to say label in Spanish - WordHippo How to say label in Spanish Spanish Translation etiqueta More Spanish words for label la etiqueta noun tag, tab, etiquette, ticket, formality etiquetar verb label rotular verb mark, letter, ticket calificar verb qualify, rate, score, grade, mark el rótulo noun sign, lettering, ticket, trace, tally el marbete noun tag la calificación noun
Care Label Translations Spanish - Apparel Search Remove the belt = Quital el cinturn. See Inside for Details = Vea Interior Para Cuidado Al Lavado. See Side Label For Care = Vea La Etiqueta Para Cuidado Al Lavado En El Lado. Body = cuerpo. Please utilize these care and content label translations at your own risk. We do NOT guarantee the accuracy of the translations.
label - Spanish translation - Word Magic English-Spanish Dictionary Translate "label" to Spanish: lambel; Translate "Label" to Spanish: Label; Translate "label" to Spanish: etiqueta, etiqueta en un programa que identifica una línea de un programa referida en otra parte del programa, rótulo English Synonyms of "label": label in a program that identifies a line in a program referred to in another part of the ...
label | translate English to Spanish: Cambridge Dictionary Translation of label | GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary label noun [ countable ] / ˈleɪbəl/ a tag or sticker on a product etiqueta [ feminine, singular ] Check the label for washing instructions. Revise las instrucciones de lavado en la etiqueta. a brand or trademark marca [ feminine, singular ] designer labels marcas de diseño
Label in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict label ( ley - buhl ) noun 1. (information tag) a. la etiqueta (F) Remove the label from the bottle without tearing it.Quítele la etiqueta a la botella sin romperla. 2. (record company) a. el sello discográfico (M) Our band is still looking for a label.Nuestra banda todavía está buscando un sello discográfico. transitive verb
PDF prescription label translations - Spanish - California develop and vet translations of the standardized directions for use that are contained in the board's patient-centered label requirements. While every effort was made to ensure accuracy and reliability of these translations, the Board cannot ensure that a particular translation is appropriate for a particular patient.
labels - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context Translation of "labels" in Spanish etiquetas sellos etiqueta marcas rótulos etiquetado discográficas califica denominaciones Escobas y escobillas Labels disqueras One Security Label and three additional bar code labels. Una etiqueta de Seguridad y tres etiquetas adicionales con código de barras. Close enough to read the labels.
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